Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Work Hard VS Work Smart

We all have a predetermined way of thinking whenever we are faced with obstacles in life.

Sometimes the solution required does not have to be so complicated. Let me share with you one example that really happened in real life. 

Few years back there was a invention competition for grass cutting machine. The previous design which uses rotating sharp metal blades is deemed to be dangerous. Many people came out with all the innovative design using blade covers, and uniques blade shapes to try to tackle the problem. But everyone was surprised when they annouced the winner who was creative enough to simply replace the metal blade with a nylon stick.

This simple example teaches us one thing. There is a difference between working hard and working smart. People only judge our performance purely from the result. Doesn't matter whether we put in 10 hours worth of work if other can do the same thing in simply 15 minutes.

To solve a problem effectively, what needs to be done is to simply go back to fundamentals. 

1. Understand the main problem and what you are trying to achieve.
In the sample case earlier, the problem was not "How to design a cover for the rotating blade"
It is actually "How to provide a safer solution to cutting grass"

2. Remove any preconception.
We may have a set of predetermined rules that is blocking our creativity. Most of the time people do not realize this.

3. Think out of the box.
Once the limitations in our mind is removed, we are more able to think creatively.

Just remember, Sophisticated does not mean Efficient.

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