Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jumping to Different Train

We all lead different paths in our life. Some of us walk along the path that we decide on our own. Some others are walking along paths determined by others (parents, teachers, etc.) 

Well sometimes along the way, some people realize that the path they are walking on is not the one for them. That's where some people decides to jump to a different "train".

Jumping to different direction usually takes a lot of courage. It is never easy to step out of your comfort zone, because usually it requires some things to be sacrificed.

>>For my case, I jumped from an engineering to a financial path. Not easy to do. Faced a lot of resistance from my parents and relatives. But I believe my interest lies here. So I dont mind jumping now rather than going through something that I dont like for the next 20 or 30 years before finally having the courage to switch direction.

>>A more extreme one comes from one of my friends from engineering path who found his passion in entertainment and creative industry. He believes that he can do something meaningful and change lives through this line. For him the path is slightly tougher, because he would have to start crawling from the bottom in order to go into the desired industry.

>>The third example happenned recently. My friend who is pursuing his PhD in NTU suddenly decided to stop and jump into teaching. I guess he just finally realized where his desire truly is. 

In the end of the day, salute to all my friends who has courageously taken their "leap of faith".

At least even if we fail, we will fail with no regrets. Because we determine the path that we took. Furthermore, failure does not mean that it's the end. As long as the passion is there, the drive to move forward will not dissapear. 

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